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#FarmersProtest - We went green for the 26th January 2021

Updated: Feb 4, 2021

Our Gurdwara went green, shining a beacon of light in support for our farmers in India on the 26th January 2021. This coincided with the tractors parade in Delhi on India Republic day, supporting our Indian farmers that are protesting against the three laws introduced by Narendra Modi, BJP led government. These three dodgy laws were said to be rushed through during the Covid lockdown and without proper debate or opportunity for thorough consultation. The laws are seen clearly to be in favour of large corporations and are damaging to the farming community in India. The Indian farmers have continued to protest peacefully in winter conditions, in what is now deemed to be the biggest protest ever seen! This has created much global focus and caught the attention of global music icons like Rihanna, as well as activists like Greta Thunberg. Even sports superstars like boxing champ Amir Khan has actively plugged the farmers on his social media channels. The BJP government has used all its might to try and shut down social media, internet access, road access for deliveries. The protestors are struggling to get supply of food, clean water and medical supplies. Furthermore journalists have been arrested by Indian security forces and there is a worrying use of heavy handed tactics by the police on protestors, resulting in protestor injuries and deaths.

As I write this blog we are aware of 5 more protesting farmers passing away today, taking the total number of deaths well over 100+...... All whilst more police barricades are concreted into place like a war zone. To me it looked more like barriers of steel and concrete with barbwire around a concentration camp.

The Gurdwara was light up in green, including the frontage, domes, khanda and the base of the nishaan sahib.

The high beam laser light could be seen from far away and acted as a beacon of hope, creating much awareness within the local community.

A large 4.5 meter poster was created and permanently placed at the front of the gurdwara detailing the support for the Indian farmers.

The visual effect created much awareness and media attention with many local and national photographers/videographers coming out to capture footage.

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