Guru Nanak Darbar Gurdwara
What is Sikhism?
The word Sikh means a disciple. A Sikh is a person who believes in One God and the teachings of the Ten Gurus, enshrined in the Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh Holy Book. Additionally, he or she must take Amrit, the Sikh Baptism. Outside of middle-eastern countries, most people one would see wearing a turban are Sikh.
Sikhism is a practical religion–a faith of hope and optimism.
Its ideals form a large part of the more progressive elements in humanity today. Sikhs believed men, women, all races and nationalities were equal hundreds of years ago. A hundred years before Galileo, the Sikh Gurus spoke of countless worlds that rotate around their stars and countless stars rotating around galaxies.
Sikhism shows mankind how to lead a worthy and useful life in the world, which elevates it to the status of a universal faith for all mankind.
Quick Facts:
Sikhs believe in One God, who is worshiped by all faiths
Sikhs believe every man, woman and child has the same soul and are equal
Sikhs believe that it is everyone’s duty to stand up for justice and against oppression
Sikhs believe in reincarnation